Scrutinize every use of the RFC 2119 modal verbs "may", "should", "must", "shall", "should not", "must not", "shall not" and the RFC 2119 adjectives "required", "recommended", and "optional" to make sure they are compliant and fix them if not. Introduce them in situations where they ought to be used. If you find "may not", it probably should be "must not".
We will probably need to use different markup for compliant and non-compliant usage, hopefully not as intrusive as ALL CAPS.
Note that "shall" is a synonym for "must".
We should talk only about what implementations may, should, or must do, and use "can" or similar terms for user choices.
Beware the unexpressed subject. "X must be done" isn't properly 2119-compliant, because we don't know who must do it.
WG1 decided to add the long-form names currently in use to the list.
Ignore the above comment!
Cleaned up all remaining bad MUSTard, I hope.
WG1 accepted this proposal.