This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see AdvancedUcdCowan in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.


2010-10-29 02:00:16

Undigested stuff from UAX #42:

5 Blocks

The blocks child of the ucd describes the blocks. It has one child block element per block, with attributes to describe the extent and name of the block.

[blocks, 46] = ucd.content &= element blocks { element block { attribute first-cp { single-code-point }, attribute last-cp { single-code-point }, attribute name { text }} + }?

6 Named Sequences

The named-sequences child of the ucd describes the named sequences. It has one child named-sequence element per named sequence, with attributes to describe the name and sequence.

Similarly, the provisional-named-sequences child of the ucd describes the provisional named sequences.

[named sequences, 47] = ucd.content &= element named-sequences { element named-sequence { attribute cps { one-or-more-code-points }, attribute name { text }} + }?

ucd.content &= element provisional-named-sequences { element named-sequence { attribute cps { one-or-more-code-points }, attribute name { text }} + }?

7 Normalization Corrections

The normalization-corrections child of the ucd describes the normalization corrections. It has one child normalization-correction element per correction, with attributes to describe the code point affected, its old normalization, its new normalization and the version of Unicode in which the correction was made.

[normalization corrections, 48] = ucd.content &= element normalization-corrections { element normalization-correction { attribute cp { single-code-point }, attribute old { one-or-more-code-points }, attribute new { one-or-more-code-points }, attribute version { text }} + }?

8 Standardized Variants

The standardized-variants child of the ucd describes the standardized variant. It has one child element standardized-variant per variant. The attributes on that last element capture the variation sequence, the description of the desired appearance, and the shaping environment under which the appearance is different.

[standardized variants, 49] = ucd.content &= element standardized-variants { element standardized-variant { attribute cps { two-code-points }, attribute desc { text }, attribute when { text }} + }?

9 CJK Radicals

The cjk-radicals child of the ucd describes the CJK radicals. It has one child element cjk-radical per radical. The attributes on that last element capture the radical number, the corresponding CJK radical character, and the corresponding CJK unified ideograph.

[cjk radicals, 50] = ucd.content &= element cjk-radicals { element cjk-radical { attribute number { xsd:string {pattern="[0-9]{1,3}'?"}}, attribute radical { single-code-point }, attribute ideograph { single-code-point }} + }?

10 Emoji sources

The emoji-sources child of the ucd describes the emoji sources.

[datatype for code points, 51] = jis-code-point = xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9A-F]{4}" }

[emoji sources, 52] = ucd.content &= element emoji-sources { element emoji-source { attribute unicode { one-or-more-code-points }, attribute docomo { jis-code-point? }, attribute kddi { jis-code-point? }, attribute softbank { jis-code-point? } } + }?