This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see AggregatesMedernachImplementation in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.
;; (require srfi/23)
;; Ok on Gambit, Guile, Racket
;; Beware that fields specified as mutables are vectors of length 1 containing the actual value.
(define-syntax define-datatype
(syntax-rules ()
((define-datatype <designation> (<fieldname-spec> ...))
(define-datatype-loop (<designation>) <designation> (<fieldname-spec> ...) () ()))))
(define-syntax define-datatype-loop
(syntax-rules (mutable)
((define-datatype-loop <ancestor-list>
((mutable <fieldname>) <other> ...)
(<mutable-field> ...)
(<field> ...))
(define-datatype-loop <ancestor-list>
(<other> ...)
(<mutable-field> ... <fieldname>)
(<field> ... <fieldname>)))
((define-datatype-loop <ancestor-list>
((immutable <fieldname>) <other> ...)
(<mutable-field> ...)
(<field> ...))
(define-datatype-loop <ancestor-list>
(<other> ...)
(<mutable-field> ... )
(<field> ... <fieldname>)))
;; By default fields are immutables (except if they contain a
;; mutable value, else we should go for a copy on access semantic
;; and that's too bad)
((define-datatype-loop <ancestor-list>
(<fieldname> <other> ...)
(<mutable-field> ...)
(<field> ...))
(define-datatype-loop <ancestor-list>
(<other> ...)
(<mutable-field> ...)
(<field> ... <fieldname>)))
((define-datatype-loop <ancestor-list>
(<mutable-field> ...)
(<field> ...))
(define-datatype-helper <ancestor-list>
(<mutable-field> ...)
(<field> ...)))))
(define-syntax define-datatype-helper
(syntax-rules ()
((define-datatype-helper (<ancestor> ...) <designation> (<mutable-field> ...) (<fieldname> ...))
(let* ((datatype-tag (vector <ancestor> ...))
(datatype-depth (- (vector-length datatype-tag) 1)))
(letrec ( ;; We currently lack a way to create disjoint datatypes
(aggregate cons)
(aggregate? pair?)
(aggregate->tag car)
(aggregate->content cdr)
;; (datatype-subtype? (lambda (tag1 tag2) (eqv? tag1 tag2)))
(lambda (tag)
(and (vector? tag)
(< datatype-depth (vector-length tag))
(eqv? (vector-ref tag datatype-depth)
(lambda (<fieldname> ...)
;; it contains:
;; - the datatype tag associated to datatype (+ inheritance structure)
;; - values of all fields
(let ((<mutable-field> (vector <mutable-field>)) ...)
;; We have to enclose 'values' with a thunk because of bigloo, larceny and racket which forbid to store values
(aggregate datatype-tag (lambda () (values <fieldname> ...))))))
(lambda (aggregate-case else-case)
(lambda (obj)
;; First: check if it is an aggregate kind
((not (aggregate? obj)) (error "Not an aggregate: " obj))
;; Second: check if it is of corresponding datatype type or a subtype
((not (datatype-subtype? (aggregate->tag obj))) (else-case obj))
(call-with-values (aggregate->content obj)
(lambda (<fieldname> ... . extension)
;; A little trick to easily allow inheritance
(aggregate-case <fieldname> ...)))))))))
(lambda ()
(values make-aggregate
;; One could easily creates his own mutators like this:
(list (list '<mutable-field>
(lambda (obj val)
(lambda (<fieldname> ...) (vector-set! <mutable-field> 0 val))
(lambda (obj) (error "Not of corresponding type: " obj)))
... ))))))))
(define-syntax datatype-info->designation
(syntax-rules ()
((datatype-info->designation datatype-info)
(datatype-info designate))))
(define-syntax datatype-info->fields
(syntax-rules ()
((datatype-info->fields datatype-info)
(datatype-info fields))))
(define (create-aggregate-functions datatype) datatype)