This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.

Source for wiki ArthurGleckler version 19




Added WG1Ballot6Gleckler.







= Arthur A. Gleckler's member page =

I am a member of Working Group 1.

My home page is here:

I love Scheme, and I write all my personal programming projects in
Scheme.  I'm sneaking Scheme in here and there in side projects at
work, too.

Here's what I wrote to describe myself when I submitted my name to vote on R6RS:

  I've been an avid fan of Scheme since 1984, when I first used it as
  part of the 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  course at MIT.  It has been my favorite programming language since
  then, and while I rarely use it at work, I use it for all my
  programming projects at home.  While I was an undergraduate, a staff
  member, and a graduate student at MIT, I spent many years working on
  MIT Scheme, including its interpreter, compiler, runtime system,
  debugger, and editor, and I continue to make small contributions in my
  spare time.  I've also spent a lot of time working on my own
  unfinished implementation of Scheme.  I followed the R4RS and R5RS
  standardization processes closely, participated some in the IEEE
  Scheme standardization process, and have participated quite a bit by
  email in the R6RS process.  I want to help make sure that R6RS
  maintains the right balance between the diamond-like jewel Scheme has
  always been and the practical everyday programming language that we
  have always wanted Scheme to be.

I'm looking forward to making the Scheme standard even better in this

On EditingTracPagesInEmacs, I describe how to use trac-wiki.el
to view and edit pages on our Trac site directly from Emacs.

Here are my ballots:

   * [wiki:WG1BallotGleckler] (This is currently my sixth ballot.)
   * [wiki:WG1Ballot1Gleckler]
   * [wiki:WG1Ballot3Gleckler] (This is a copy of my third ballot.  I didn't archive my second ballot.)
   * [wiki:WG1Ballot4Gleckler] (This is a copy of my fourth ballot.)
   * [wiki:WG1Ballot5Gleckler] (This is a copy of my fifth ballot.)
   * [wiki:WG1Ballot6Gleckler] (This is a copy of my sixth ballot.)
   * [wiki:WG1ReBallotGleckler] (obsolete)

Here are my proposals:

   * [wiki:ModuleFactoringGleckler]
   * [wiki:RecordsGleckler]

Here are miscellaneous other pages:

   * [wiki:MitSchemeFloatingPoint]


2012-09-16 07:06:11
