This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see ConditionsCowan in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.


2012-12-23 01:17:38


This is a WG2 proposal for condition objects. A condition object encapsulates information about an exceptional situation. Typically the rest of the system is notified about a condition using the raise and raise-continuable predicates and their relatives. Conditions are logically independent of the exception system, however: conditions may be used for any purpose, and any object may be passed to the exception system.

The design of this condition system attempts to assume as little as possible about any existing implementation-specific condition system. In particular, there is no specified relationship between conditions and records, as there is in R6RS, nor is there any notion of subtyping required by the system. There are condition types for convenience in dispatching, but they are just symbols and in general entail nothing about what information is encapsulated, as different implementations will provide different kinds of information when creating an implementation-specified condition.

Within the above constraints, I have attempted to make the names as compatible as possible with the R6RS condition system and its predecessors SRFI 35 and SRFI 36, and with SRFI 12.

A condition is said to be "belong to type sym" if (a) it was created by a call to make-condition that was passed the symbol sym as one of its condition types, or (b) it belongs to an implementation-defined set (possibly empty) of conditions of type sym. This allows implementation-dependent condition objects to participate in this condition system.


(make-condition symlist ( sym obj ) ...)

Returns a newly allocated condition which belongs to the types whose names are given in symlist. The remainder of the arguments are alternating property names (which are symbols) and values (which can be any object) that specify the information encapsulated by this condition. It is an error if the value associated with the property name message is not a string; it is also an error if the value associated with the property name irritants is not a list.


(condition? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition of any type, and #f otherwise.

(condition-of-type? obj sym)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type sym, and #f otherwise.


(condition-types condition)

Returns the list of types to which condition belongs. It is an error to attempt to mutate this list.

(condition-properties condition)

Returns the list of property names associated with this condition. It is an error to attempt to mutate this list.

(condition-ref condition sym [ default ] )

Returns the property value associated with the property named sym of condition. If there is no such property, returns default. If default is not specified, returns #f.


(condition-predicate sym)

Returns a predicate which will return #t if applied to a condition belonging to type sym, and #f otherwise.

(condition-accessorsym [ default ] )

Returns an accessor which will return the value of sym if applied to a condition object and default otherwise. If default is not specified, the accessor will return #f.

Specific predicates

(error-object? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type simple, and #f otherwise. Such conditions are normally created only by user code. Part of the small language, but shown here for completeness.

(file-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type file, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if there is an error related to file operations; in particular, the inability to open a file for input. Part of the small language, but shown here for completeness.

(read-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type read, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if there is an error related to read, such as a lexical syntax error in the input. Part of the small language, but shown here for completeness.

(syntax-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type syntax, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if program code is syntactically ill-formed. When such a condition is raised, it may or may not be possible for the exception system to catch it. Part of the small language, but shown here for completeness.

(domain-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type domain, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if a procedure is passed an argument that is not in its domain, either because it is of the wrong type or because it has an unacceptable value, as well as in analogous situations.

(mismatch-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type mismatch, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if a procedure is passed too many or too few arguments, as well as in analogous situations.

(immutability-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type immutability, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation on an attempt to modify immutable data, as well as in analogous situations.

(undefined-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type undefined, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if an attempt is made to get the value of a variable that has not been defined, as well as in analogous situations.

(non-continuable-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition of type non-continuable, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if an attempt is made to continue from an exception raised by raise, as well as in analogous situations.

(input-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type input, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if an input error occurs, as well as in analogous situations.

(output-error? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition belonging to type output, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if an output error occurs, as well as in analogous situations.

(implementation-restriction? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a condition of type implementation-restriction, and #f otherwise. Such conditions may be created by the implementation if an implementation restriction occurs such as running out of memory or exceeding the maximum representable size of an exact number, as well as in analogous situations.

Specific accessors

(condition-message condition)

Returns the value of the message property associated with condition, or #f if there is none. This value should be a string.

(condition-irritants condition)

Returns the value of the irritants property associated with condition, or #f if there is none. This value should be a list.