This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.

Source for wiki ConsentDocket version 15











== WG2 Consent Docket ==

The following items will be approved without a formal vote unless someone objects, in which case they will be moved to another docket.  See [wiki:WG2Dockets WG2Dockets] for other dockets.

Note: "Prefix stripping" means that prefixes such as `fx`, `fl`, or `bitwise-` are removed from identifiers exported by this package.  That way, users can add back their own prefixes using the facilities of `import`.

Assertions: Ticket #287 adds R6RS-compatible `assert` to R7RS-small.  If not, add it here.

Bitwise: The R6RS `arithmetic bitwise` library with prefix stripping.

Explicit renaming macros: Uses the `er-macro-transformer` keyword (bare lambdas are unsupported).  Three arguments are provided to transformers: `form rename compare`.

Fixnum arithmetic: The R6RS `arithmetic fixnum` library with prefix stripping.

Format combinators: Alex Shinn's [ fmt library], with prefix stripping and a touch of renaming.  The C formatting library is excluded.

Pretty-printer: see Format combinators

Generalized getters and setters: [http:// SRFI 17].

Getopt/args-fold:  [http:// SRFI 37].

Regex (S-exps and strings): Alex Shinn's [ irregex library], with prefix stripping and a touch of renaming.  Specify full PCRE compatibility even though the irregex implementation doesn't support all of it.

[http:// SRFI 1], list library: As written, but excluding  `cons`, `pair?`, `null?`, `car`, `cdr`, their combinations, `set-car!`, `set-cdr!`, `list`, `append`, `reverse`, `length`, `list-ref` (assuming ticket #308 passes), `map` (assuming ticket #309 passes), `for-each` (assuming ticket #309 passes), `memq`, `memv`, `member`, `assq`, `assv`, `assoc`, which are all in the `(scheme base)` library.  ''Specification bug in SRFI 1: `any`, `every`, and `list-index` should omit the words "and returning a boolean result".''

[http:// SRFI 2], `and-let*` macro: As written.

[http:// SRFI 13], string library: As written, but excluding `string?`, `make-string`, `string`, `list->string`, `string-length`, `string-ref`, `string-set!`, `string-append`, which are all in the `(scheme base)` library.  Depending on ticket #310, the procedures `string->list`, `string-copy`, `string-fill!` may also be removed.

[http:// SRFI 14], character set library: As written.

[http:// SRFI 31], `rec` macro: As written.

[http:// SRFI 31], `(streams primitive)` and `(streams derived)` libraries: As written.

[http:// SRFI 43], vector library: As written, but excluding `make-vector`, `vector`,`vector?`, `vector-ref`, `vector-length`, `vector-set!`, `list->vector`, which are all in the `(scheme base)` library.  Depending on ticket #310, `vector-copy`, `vector->list`, `vector-fill!` may also be removed.

SRFI 38, circular list read/write support: Already in WG1, so no package.

When/unless: Already in WG1, so no package.



2012-01-26 05:51:24
