This docket contains work items that need to be voted on for possible inclusion into R7RS-large. See WG2Dockets for other dockets.
Bidirectional hash maps:
Binary I/O helpers: procedures relevant to reading and writing low-level binary formats, such as
(see SRFI 56)
Custom I/O ports: R6RS
Default exception handler controls:
Features, allowing libraries to add:
Greek lambda syntax: define syntax equivalent to "lambda" whose identifier is a single Unicode U+03BB character (
Identifier-syntax: R6RS
R6RS versions of real?, rational?, integer?: these are false if the imaginary part is an inexact zero; the issue here is what to name them to avoid confusion
Interrupts, timers, signals:
Jiffy cleanup: Arcane Sentiment blog post
Macro expander(s) available at run time:
Maximal and minimal elements of lists and vectors:
number->string variant with control for significant digits: Vincent Manis proposal, R6RS
Observable objects: Java
Port type detector: see #177
R6RS compatibility: whole libraries or cherry-picked procedures:
Record external representations: SRFI 108
standard-*-port routines: R6RS
Tree library: at least tree=? and tree-copy, probably Common Lisp SUBLIS and NSUBLIS, fold, unfold, map ...
Thread-local storage:
Unquote with multiple arguments: see #123
User-specified syntax-transformers:
Convenience package(s) for commonly desired sets of bindings: