This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see LazySequencesCowan in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.


2014-11-05 00:34:49

Lazy sequences

Preliminary list of procedures for lazy sequences. Lazy sequences are based on GeneratorsGauche, so there are only a few constructors.

Constructors list->lseq list->vector list->string list->generator lseq lseq* lseq-unfold lseq-unfold-right Predicates lseq? null-lseq? lseq=? Selectors lseq-first ... tenth lseq-rest lseq-last lseq-ref lseq-drop lseq-drop-right lseq-take lseq-take-right lseq-split-at The whole lazy sequence lseq-length lseq-reverse lseq-append lseq-concatenate lseq-zip lseq-unzip lseq-unzip2 lseq-unzip3 lseq-unzip4 lseq-unzip5 lseq-count Mapping and folding lseq-map lseq-for-each lseq-for-each-subseq lseq-filter-map lseq-fold lseq-fold-right lseq-fold-subseq lseq-fold-subseq-right lseq-reduce lseq-reduce-right Filtering lseq-filter lseq-remove lseq-partition Searching lseq-find lseq-find-rest lseq-drop-while lseq-take-while lseq-any lseq-every lseq-index lseq-member lseq-memq lseq-memv Deleting lseq-delete lseq-delete-neighbor-dups Lazy alists lseq-assoc lseq-assq lseq-assv lseq-alist-cons lseq-alist-delete Conversion lseq->list lseq->vector lseq->string lseq->generator Realization lseq-realize! lseq-realize-once! lseq-realize-steps! lseq-realize-while!

Implementation notes

An lseq is a QueuesCowan queue plus a generator. Queues can be shared between lseqs, which means that you are not allowed to remove anything from them, and the only addition operation is lseq-realize-once!, which realizes one value and adds it to the back of the queue.