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2012-06-08 02:53:19
5Removal of signaling nan constructorshistory

NaNs library proposal

Library proposal


Returns a NaN}}} with an implementation-defined chosen payload. Implementations are free to return different {{{NaNs}}} for each `nan` invocation or not. If so and as a matter of consistency, {{{NaN}}} representation such as "+nan.0" should also return different {{{NaNs.

(nan <payload>)

Returns a NaN with the given payload as its content. Valid values for <payload> are implementation-dependent.

(nan? <obj>)

Returns #t if <obj> is a NaN.

(nan-signaling? <obj>)

Returns #t if <obj> is a signaling NaN.

(nan-payload <obj>)

Returns the payload content of <obj> if it is a NaN.

(nan-negative? <obj>)

Returns the sign part of <obj> if it is a NaN.


This library is about NaNs operation handling.

For IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) implementation there is one NaN}}} concept but many different {{{NaNs}}}. From the purpose of {{{NaNs}}}, we have to be able to distinguish between {{{NaNs}}}. For that effect, {{{NaNs}}} carry a ''payload'' intended to put diagnosis information about what caused a {{{NaN to be produced.

Purposes of NaNs

When the reader reads "+nan.0", it has to choose one particular internal representation for it. It is free to choose one representation shared for all "+nan.0" or to choose a different one each time it encounters another "nan.0". This is what the following means:

(eqv? +nan.0 +nan.0) => unspecified

However the identity of a particular NaN should not be questioned. I mean I think we should have this:

(let ((a +nan.0)) (eqv? a a)) => #t

The following is a desirable behaviour, but I would not push for it into the standard:

(let ((a (/ 0.0 0.0)) (b (sin +inf.0))) (eqv? a b)) => #f

Use cases examples

Instead of returning strange values such as 99999 which could be mistaken for real ones and cause dramatic effects, sensors may use NaNs to report invalid values. A payload may be added to report an additional message.

In order to identify wrong usage of uninitialased vectors, one could fill vectors with NaNs containing indexes in their payloads.

(define (make-reals-vector N) (if (>= N 0) (let ((result (make-vector N))) (let loop ((i 0)) (if (< i N) (begin (vector-set! result i (nan i)) (loop (+ i 1))) result ))) (error "make-float-vector: negative argument")))

Comments by John Cowan

I think the payload should be constrained to be an exact non-negative integer interpreted as a sequence of bits. In IEEE formats, the sign bit is part of the payload, and should be extractable separately from the payload using nan-negative? or some such predicate. In addition, the sense of the signaling/quiet bit is implementation-dependent (it is always the highest-order bit of the mantissa, but whether 1 is signaling or quiet depends on the hardware), and so nan-signaling? should also be added.

In addition, the requirement that read invoke nan seems pointless to me. If read returns any old NaN, that should be good enough.Â

Comments by Emmanuel Medernach

Having payload to be an exact non-negative integer (or a sequence of bits) is IMHO too restrictive as this precludes the nice feature of allowing payloads to store symbols if one (future) implementation wish to do so.