This is an early draft of proposals for the Orange Edition (numbers) of R7RS-large. For other dockets, see WG2Dockets.
Numeric types and operations
Integer division: SRFI 141
Bitwise integer operations: SRFI 151 (superseding SRFI 142), SRFI 60, R6RS.
Random numbers: SRFI 27, plus AdvancedRandomGauche
Prime numbers: PrimesGauche.
Extended exact numbers: ExtendedRationalsCowan [Orange]
Natural number predicates (from WG1): exact-positive-integer? and exact-non-negative-integer?.
NaN dissector API (sign, quiet/signaling status, and integer tag): NanMedernach
Numeric and semi-numeric data structures
Numeric vectors: R6RS, SRFI 4, SRFI 63 (supersedes SRFI 25 and SRFI 47; lexical syntax in SRFI 58), SRFI 66, SRFI 74, NumericVectorsCowan.
C-style structs: ByteStructuresTaylanub.
Integer sets: IntegerSetsCowan
Descriptive statistics: TallyCowan
Multidimensional arrays: SRFI 122 .
Enumerations: EnumsCowan
Enumeration sets: EnumContainersCowan
Enumeration maps: EnumContainersCowan
number->string and string->number with non-ASCII decimal digits: NumberStringUnicode
hex-digit-value: same as digit value, but understands A-F and a-f too
Formatting: SRFI 159 or SRFI 48 (intermediate), possibly with SRFI 29 or GettextCowan
Carryovers from the Red Edition
Strings: SRFI 13 (comprehensive), SRFI 118 (adjustable), SRFI 130 (cursor-based), SRFI 140 (immutable), SRFI 152 (basic)
Ordered sets and bags: SRFI 153
Mappings: SRFI 146
Regular expressions: SRFI 115