This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see OrangeDocket in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.


2016-11-01 04:52:41

This is an early draft of proposals for the Orange Edition (numbers) of R7RS-large. For other dockets, see WG2Dockets.

Numeric types and operations

Integer division: SRFI 141

Bitwise integer operations: SRFI 142, SRFI 60, R6RS.

Fixnums: SRFI 143, R6RS

Flonums: SRFI 143, R6RS

Compnums: CompnumsCowan

Random numbers: SRFI 27, plus AdvancedRandomGauche

Prime numbers: PrimesGauche.

Numeric and semi-numeric data structures

Bit vectors: BitVectorsCowan.

Numeric vectors: NumericVectorsCowan.

C-style structs: ByteStructuresTaylanub.

Integer sets: IntegerSetsCowan.

Descriptive statistics: TallyCowan.

Multidimensional generic arrays: SRFI 122 or ArraysCowan + StorageClassesCowan.


Enumerations: EnumsCowan

Enumeration sets: EnumsCowan

Enumeration maps: EnumsCowan


Formatting: FmtShinn or SRFI 28 (basic) or SRFI 48 (intermediate), possibly with SRFI 29 or GettextCowan

Carryovers from the Red Edition without implementations

Immutable sets and bags: ImmutableSetsWortman

Immutable maps: ImmutableMapsWortman

Binary heaps: BinaryHeapsCowan