This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see OrderedMapsCowan in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.


2016-12-24 04:41:26


This sub-proposal defines things you can do with ordered maps that are painful with hash-based mappings. It's a cut-down version of ImmutableMapsWortman.


Maps designed to work with comparators that have ordering procedures can readily expose additional APIs that don't make sense for comparators using hash functions. For example, determining the smallest key in a hash table requires at least linear time, whereas determining the smallest key in a tree of some sort generally does not. This is a list of functions that it would be useful to expose.



(map-min-key map)

(map-max-key map)

Returns the least/greatest key of map. It is an error for map to be empty. Takes O(log n) time; O(1) is optimal.

(map-min-value map)


Returns the value associated with the least/greatest key of map (not the least/greatest value). It is an error for map to be empty. Takes O(log n) time; O(1) is optimal.

(map-key-predecessor map obj failure)

(map-key-successor map obj failure)

Returns the key that immediately precedes/succeeds obj in map's ordering. If no such association exists because obj is the minimum/maximum key, or because map is empty, returns the result of invoking the thunk failure. Takes O(log n) time.


(map-range= map obj)

(map-range< map obj)

(map-range> map obj)

(map-range<= map obj)

(map-range>= map obj)

Returns a map containing only the associations of map whose keys are equal to / less than / greater than / less than or equal to / greater than or equal to obj. Takes O(log n) time, where n is the number of associations in the map .

Note that since map keys are unique, imap-range= returns a map with at most one association.

Mapping and folding

(imap-map/monotone proc map [ comparator ])

Returns a map containing the result of invoking proc on every association in map. It is an error unless proc is a monotone unary procedure that preserves the order of map associations. Observe that mapping a map of unique associations with a monotone function yields a map of unique associations, so association uniqueness follows from the monotonicity assumption. If comparator is given, it is the comparator of the result; otherwise the result uses the same comparator as map. Takes O(n) time.