This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.
Source for wiki PlebisciteCowan version 4
Here's my proposal for the R7RS-small plebiscite. The issue to vote on, per [ the WG1 charter], is: "Does the eighth draft of R7RS-small satisfy the requirements of the charter?" (Obviously this does not include the deadlines -- we've missed those.)
I propose that the following ballot be sent to the scheme-reports mailing list with replies directed to the email address of a volunteer vote taker (I am attempting to find such a person by appealing on various non-Scheme-related mailing lists). The vote taker would concatenate all received replies, minimally encoding "@" to " at ", and post the whole file to a publicly readable web page they control after the end of the ballot.
If such a person cannot be found, posting to the mailing list would probably be adequate.
== Ballot ==
The purpose of this ballot is for you to register your views about the work of Working Group 1. In particular, you are being asked whether [ the eighth draft of R7RS-small], [ Chibi Scheme, the sample implementation], and [ the test cases] satisfy the requirements of [ the WG1 charter]. Please send your vote to FIXME.
Full name (required): Insert your name here.
Location (optional): Insert your physical location here.
Affiliation (optional): Insert your institutional affiliation, if any, here.
Contact details (optional): Insert any contact details here. The email address from which you post the ballot will be assumed to be a primary contact method, unless overridden here.
Statement of interest (not required if you registered for the R6RS ratification or the 2009 Steering Committee election): Insert at least 75 words of original content explaining your interest in Scheme and the Scheme standard and your stake in the outcome of the ratification process.
Vote (required): Insert "yes" or "no" here.
Rationale (optional): Insert your explanation of why you voted the way you did here. Anyone voting "no" is particularly encouraged to complete this section.
== Comments ==
This is a variant of the registration and ballot forms used for R6RS ratification process and for the Steering Committee election. Both registration and voting are combined into a single form. Note that the entire content of the ballot will be published.
== Issues ==
Some people might not vote because it would disclose their email address even with encoding protection.
2012-12-24 07:15:48