This is the home page for R7RS, the Revisedā· Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. This version of Scheme has been divided into a small language, suitable for educators, researchers, and users of embedded languages; and a large language focused on the practical needs of mainstream software development.
The report on the small language was finalized on July 6, 2013. It is available in PDF format and as LaTeX source code. There are errata.
A concise definition of the first partial edition of R7RS-large, known as the Red Edition, is now available. It is a frozen copy of the Red Edition ballot plus the names of the libraries, which were passed by unanimous consent. The results, which are now final, can be seen at A single physical document is not being created at this time.
For R7RS-small implementations, see ImplementationSupport. Larceny includes all the SRFIs of the Red Edition, though they are not yet available under their standardized names. Other implementations will hopefully follow.
For R7RS benchmarks on many Schemes, see this graphic. Some adjustments were made to accommodate the differences between Schemes. The source is here.