This is a draft of proposals for the Red Edition (data structures) of R7RS-large. For other dockets, see WG2Dockets.
List library: SRFI 1.
String library: SRFI 13 and/or CharacterSpansCowan.
Vector library: SRFI 43, taking VectorsCowan into account.
Sorting and merging: SortingShivers (edited draft of withdrawn SRFI 32) or SRFI 95 (from SLIB) or R6RS.
Comparators: SRFI 128 (stripped-down SRFI 114).
Sets and bags: SRFI 113.
Character sets: SRFI 14.
Hash tables: SRFI 125, which is almost completely backward compatible with SRFI 69 and includes bimaps; or SRFI 126, which is backward compatible with R6RS.
Immutable pairs and lists: SRFI 116.
Random access pairs and lists: SRFI 101.
Immutable deques, sets, and maps: ImmutableDataStructuresWortman.
Generators: SRFI 121.
Lazy sequences: SRFI 127.
Streams: SRFI 41.
Boxes: SRFI 111.
List queues: SRFI 117.
Extended records: SRFI 99, possibly with ExtendedRecordSyntaxCowan.
Ephemerons: SRFI 124.