This docket contains work items that WG2 has not yet decided whether to work on or not. The name of this docket is historical. See WG2Dockets for other dockets.
Applicable record instances (see
cond => with guard as well as generator (see #89): SRFI 61
Custom I/O ports:
Division library: DivisionRiastradh
drop-prefix import spec:
Enumerations (R6RS, but see also
equal=? (like equal? but with = instead of eqv? on numbers):
Evaluator arguments to procedures like load: #277
Extended exact numbers: ExtendedRationalsCowan
External representation of records:
Futures: Racket API
Imaginary inexact zero versions of real, rational, integer:
Immutable data: ImmutableData
Interrupts, timers, signals:
Macro expander(s) available at run time:
make-error-object constructs error object without raising it:
Multiple values passed through => in cond (see #90):
NaN dissector API (sign, quiet/signaling status, and integer tag): NanMedernach
Natural number predicates (from WG1): exact-positive-integer? and exact-non-negative-integer?.
number->string control for significant digits: Vincent Manis proposal, R6RS
Port encodings, buffering, line ending control: SettingsListsCowan and FilesAdvancedCowan
Port type detector:
Random procedures from R6RS (notably symbol=? and boolean=?): to be spelled out
Record external representations:
Raw strings: <<, """...""":
Search and mismatch procedures: SearchMismatchCowan
Setter procedures: SRFI 17
standard-*-port routines: R6RS
String positions and slices (see
Syntactic closures:
Thread-local storage:
Testing function arity: SRFI 102
Undefined value API (see #49):
User-specified syntax-transformers: