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== Sets, bags, integer sets, and enumeration sets ==

Sets and bags (multisets) are mutable collections that can contain any Scheme object.  Integer sets are mutable collections that can contain non-negative exact integers that are less than a maximum value specified when the integer set is created.  Enumeration sets are mutable collections that can contain symbols chosen from a set of symbols represented by an enumeration type.

Sets and bags (multisets) are intended to be a thin veneer over hashtables, and integer sets are a thin veneer over bytevectors.  It is implementation-dependent whether an integer set packs eight values into each bytevector element or (as the reference implementation does) just one.  In turn, enumeration sets are a thin veneer over integer sets.  Consequently, the `-member?`, `-add!`, and `-remove!` procedures are required to have an amortized cost of O(1).

Sets, bags, integer sets, enumeration sets, and enumeration types are mutually disjoint, and disjoint from other types of Scheme objects.

== Set procedures ==

It is an error to operate on sets with different equality procedures.

`(make-set `''=''`)`

Returns a newly allocated empty set.  ''='' is the equality procedure for the set.  If ''='' is other than `eq?`, `equal`, `string=?`, or `string-ci=?`, the implementation MAY signal an error.  '''Issue: possibly add '''`eqv?`''' to this list if hash tables support it.'''

`(set `''=''` `''element''` ...)`

Returns a newly allocated set with equality procedure ''='' and containing the ''elements''.

`(set-copy `''set''`)`

Returns a newly allocated set containing the elements of ''set'', with the same equality procedure.

`(set? `''obj''`)`

Returns `#t` if ''obj'' is a set, and `#f` otherwise.

`(set-length? `''set''`)`

Returns the number of elements in ''set''.

`(set-member? `''set''` `''element''`)`

Returns `#t` if ''element'' is a member of ''set'' and `#f` otherwise.

`(set-add! `''set''` `''element''`)`

Adds ''element'' to ''set'' unless it is already a member.  Returns an unspecified value.

`(set-remove! `''set''` `''element''`)`

Removes ''element'' from ''set'' unless it is not a member.  Returns an unspecified value.

`(set-map `''=''` `''proc''` `''set''`)`

Applies ''proc'' to each element of ''set'' in arbitrary order and returns a newly allocated set with the equality predicate ''='' which contains the results of the applications.

`(set-for-each `''proc''` `''set''`)`

Applies ''proc'' to ''set'' in arbitrary order, discarding the returned values.  Returns unspecified results.

`(set-fold `''proc''` `''nil''` `''set''`)`

Invokes ''proc'' on each member of ''set'' in arbitrary order, passing the result of the previous invocation as a second argument.  For the first invocation, ''nil'' is used as the second argument.  Returns the result of the last invocation.

`(set->list `''set''`)`

Returns a newly allocated list containing the members of ''set'' in unspecified order.  However, repeated calls to this procedure will return a list in the same order until the set is mutated.

`(list->set `''= list''`)`

Returns a newly allocated set with equality predicate ''='' containing the elements of ''list''.

`(set=? `''set'' ...`)`

Returns `#t` if each ''set'' contains the same elements.

`(set<? `''set'' ...`)`

Returns `#t` if each ''set'' other than the last is a proper subset of the following ''set'', and `#f` otherwise.

`(set>? `''set'' ...`)`

Returns `#t` if each ''set'' other than the last is a proper superset of the following ''set'', and `#f` otherwise.

`(set<=? `''set'' ...`)`

Returns `#t` if each ''set'' other than the last is a subset of the following ''set'', and `#f` otherwise.

`(set>=? `''set'' ...`)`

Returns `#t` if each ''set'' other than the last is a superset of the following ''set'', and `#f` otherwise.

`(set-union `''set,,1,,''` `''set,,2,,'' ...`)`

Returns a newly allocated set that is the union of the ''sets''.  It is an error if the sets do not have the same equality predicate.

`(set-intersection `''set,,1,,''` `''set,,2,,'' ...`)`

Returns a newly allocated set that is the intersection of the ''sets''.  It is an error if the sets do not have the same equality predicate.

`(set-difference `''set,,1,,''` `''set,,2,,''`)`

Returns a newly allocated set that is the asymmetric difference of ''set,,1,,'' and ''set,,2,,''.  It is an error if the sets do not have the same equality predicate.

`(set-xor `''set,,1,,''` `''set,,2,,''`)`

Returns a newly allocated set that is the xor (symmetric difference) of ''set,,1,,'' and ''set,,2,,''.

`(set-union! `''set,,1,,''` `''set,,2,,'' ...`)`

`(set-intersection! `''set,,1,,''` `set,,2,,'' ...`)`

`(set-difference! `''set,,1,,''` `''set,,2,,''`)`

`(set-xor! `''set,,1,,''` `''set,,2,,''`)`

The same as `set-union`, `set-intersection`, `set-difference`, and `set-xor` respectively, but may destroy the ''set,,1,,'' argument.

== Bag procedures ==

The procedures for creating and manipulating bags are the same as those for sets, except that `set` is replaced by `bag` in their names, and that adding an element to a bag is effective even if the bag already contains the element.  However, `bag-xor` and `bag-xor!` do not exist.

`(bag-count `''bag''` `''element''`)`

Returns an exact integer representing the number of times that ''element'' appears in ''bag''; if it does not appear, returns 0.

`(bag-increment `''bag` `element` `count''`)`

`(bag-decrement `''bag` `element` `count''`)`

Increases or decreases the count of ''element'' in ''bag'' by the exact integer ''count''.  If ''element'' does not exist, its value is assumed to be 0.

== Integer set procedures ==

Except as noted below, the procedures for creating and manipulating integer sets are the same as those for sets, except that `set` is replaced by `integer-set` in their names.  The equality function is always `=`.  Wherever a newly allocated integer set is returned, it has the same limit as the source sets.  It is an error to operate on integer sets with different limits.

`(make-integer-set `''limit''`)`

Returns a newly allocated integer set.  The possible elements of the set are the exact integers from 0 to ''limit'' - 1, where ''limit'' is an exact non-negative integer.  The set is empty.

`(make-universal-integer-set `''limit''`)`

Returns a newly allocated integer set.  The possible elements of the set are the exact integers from 0 to ''limit'' - 1, where ''limit'' is an exact non-negative integer.  The set contains all possible elements.

`(integer-set `''limit''` `''element'' ...`)`

Returns a newly allocated integer set.  The possible elements of the set are the exact integers from 0 to ''limit'' - 1. The set is initialized to contain the ''elements''.

`(list->integer-set `''limit''` `''list''`)`

Returns a newly allocated integer set.  The possible elements of the set are the exact integers from 0 to ''limit'' - 1. The set is initialized to contain the elements of ''list'' in increasing numerical order.

`(integer-set-complement `''integer-set''`)`

Returns a newly allocated integer set that is the complement of ''integer-set''.

`(integer-set-complement! `''integer-set''`)`

Mutates ''integer-set'' to a new set that is the complement of ''integer-set''.

`(integer-set-least `''integer-set''`)`

`(integer-set-most `''integer-set''`)`

Returns the smallest or largest integer in ``integer-set``, or `#f` if there is none.

`(integer-set-least! `''integer-set''`)`

`(integer-set-most! `''integer-set''`)`

Removes and returns the smallest or largest integer in ``integer-set``, or `#f` if there is none.

`(integer->integer-set `''limit'' ''integer'' `)`

Creates a newly allocated integer set with the specified ''limit'' initialized from the bits of ''integer'', which must be exact, considered as a bit vector.

`(integer-set->integer `''integer-set''`)`

Returns the exact integer which, considered as a bit vector, is equivalent to ''integer-set''.

== Enumeration sets ==

Except as noted below, the procedures for creating and manipulating enumeration sets are the same as those for sets, except that `set` is replaced by `enum-set` in their names.  Wherever a newly allocated enumeration set is returned, it has the same enumeration type as the source sets.  It is an error to operate on enumeration sets of different types.

`(make-enum-type `''symbol-list''`)`

Returns an enumeration type suitable for constructing enumeration sets whose members are the symbols in ''symbol-list''.  These symbols are said to be ''in the enumeration type''.  '''Issue''': are enumeration types the same if they have the same symbols?

`(make-enum-set `''enum-type''`)`

Returns a newly allocated enumeration set.  The possible elements of the set are the symbols in ''enum-type''.  The set is empty.

`(make-universal-enum-set `''enum-type''`)`

Returns a newly allocated enumeration set.  The possible elements of the set are the symbols in ''enum-type''.  The set contains all possible elements.

`(enum-set `''enum-type''` `''element'' ...`)`

Returns a newly allocated enumeration set.  The possible elements of the set are the symbols in ''enum-type''. The set is initialized to contain the ''elements''.

`(list->enum-set `''enum-type''` `''list''`)`

Returns a newly allocated enumeration set.  The possible elements of the set are the symbols in ''enum-type''. The set is initialized to contain the elements of ''list''.

`(enum-set-complement `''enum-set''`)`

Returns a newly allocated enumeration set that is the complement of ''enum-set''.

`(enum-set-complement! `''enum-set''`)`

Mutates ''enum-set'' to a new set that is the complement of ''enum-set''.

`(enum-set-projection `''enum-set''` `''enum-type''`)`

Returns a newly allocated enumeration set of type ''enum-type''.  Its elements are the symbols belonging to ''enum-set'', ignoring any symbols which are not in ''enum-type''.

== Conversions ==

The basic set is used as the pivot between different kinds of specialized sets.  In particular, `set->bag`, `set->integer-set`, `set->bag`, `bag->set`, `integer-set->set`, and `enum-set->set` take one argument and do the obvious thing.  `set->integer-set` takes two arguments, ''limit'' and the set.  `set->enum-set` also takes two arguments, ''enum-type'' and the set.

== Issues ==

R6RS provides `define-enumeration` to help set up enumeration types.  Is this worth having?  Possible syntax is:

`(define-enumeration `<type-name>` (`<symbol> ...`)` <constructor>`)`


2013-04-27 14:29:48
