This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.

Source for wiki SrfiLexicalSyntax version 1











This is a list of the SRFIs in final state that extend the R5RS lexical syntax.

SRFI 4 provides lexical syntax for homogeneous numerical vectors of the form `#u8 list`, `#s8 list`, `#f32 list`, etc..  PLT, Gauche, Gambit, Chicken, Bigloo, Guile, Kawa, Scheme48, STklos, RScheme provide this SRFI.  A close variant of this syntax, `#vu8` for unsigned byte vectors is provided in R6RS, which means that !IronScheme, Ikarus, Larceny/R6RS, Ypsilon, and Mosh also support it.

SRFI 10 provides `#,(keyword . args)`, which causes a procedure bound to `keyword` to be applied to `args` at read time.  This is similar to, but not the same as, CL `#,` syntax.  Gauche, Chicken, Guile, SISC, STklos, RScheme support this SRFI.

SRFI 30 provides `#|...|#` nested comments.  PLT, Gauche, MIT, Chicken, scsh, Kawa, SISC, Larceny/R5RS, STklos, RScheme, Scheme 7 support this SRFI.  It is also part of R6RS, which means that !IronScheme, Ikarus, Larceny/R6RS, Ypsilon, and Mosh also support it.

SRFI 49 provides indentation-sensitive syntax.  There is no known support for this anywhere except in the SRFI itself, which is written in Guile.

SRFI 58 provides CL-compatible `#nA datum` for multi-dimensional general arrays.  This SRFI is supported only in SCM, though Chicken provides a non-SRFI egg that supports the same syntax.

SRFI 62 provides `#;` to comment out a single datum.  PLT, Gauche, MIT, Chicken, Kawa, SISC, Chibi, Larceny/R5RS, and Chibi support it.  It is also part of R6RS, which means that !IronScheme, Ikarus, Larceny/R6RS, Ypsilon, and Mosh also support it.

SRFI 88 provides self-evaluating keywords, similar to those in CL but with trailing colons.  This is DSSSL-compatible.  Chicken, Guile, Kawa, STklos, Scheme 7 support this SRFI.


2010-03-17 04:22:40
