This is a list of work items that WG2 has voted to work on, and proposals for those work items. If no more than one proposal gets written for an item, the item may migrate to the ConsentDocket. See WG2Dockets for other dockets.
Assertions: R6RS base library, R6RS with optional message and irritants.
Binary heap: BinaryHeapsCowan
Binary search: SRFI 43
Bitwise arithmetic: SRFI 33, SRFI 60, R6RS, BitwiseCowan. See BitwiseComparison for a detailed comparison of names and parameter order. See also the incomplete proposal BitwiseArithmeticRead.
Boxes/references: BoxesCowan
Character encoding conversion:
Date and time arithmetic: TimeAdvancedCowan plus TimePeriodsCowan
Date-time parser:
Dictionaries (may include hash tables):
Enumerations and enum-sets: SetsCowan, R6RS
Environment enquiries: EnvironmentEnquiriesCowan
File system directories (reading): SCSH directory stream interface, DirectoryPortsCowan, directory-files to return a list of all files in the dir (in WG1 vote order)
File library, advanced version: FilesAdvancedCowan
File system directories (creation, removal): DirectoriesCowan
Flonum arithmetic: FlonumsCowan
Gettext (i18n of strings):
Hash tables: SRFI 69, R6RS (in WG1 vote order), HashTablesCowan (portable compromise, default equality functions only)
Homogeneous numeric arrays: SRFI 4, BlobsCowan
Immutable cyclic lists: CyclesMedernach
Loop syntax: Olin Shivers's loop, Taylor Campbell's foof-loop, eager comprehensions from SRFI 42. See also Alex Shinn's defense of foof-loop.
Mailboxes, channels, synchronized queues:
C89 or C99 <math.h>: FlonumsCowan
Message digests (CRC, MD5, SHA1, SHA2):
Multi-dimensional general arrays: ArraysCowan
Multiple value macros (from CL): MultipleValuesCowan
Mutexes, condition variables:
Named parameters: NamedParametersCowan
Octet vectors, bytevectors, blobs: NumericVectorsCowan + StringBytevectorConversionCowan
Optional arguments (other than by case-lambda):
Pathnames: PathnamesCowan
Pattern matching: MatchingWise
Port functions (concatenate, join, split): PortOperationsCowan
Priority queues:
Processes (system, popen, etc): SystemCommandCowan + ProcessPortsCowan
Random numbers: RandomnessCommonLisp, SRFI 27, RandomCowan, RandomnessArcfide (in WG1 vote order)
Record introspection: SRFI 99
REPL facilities: ReplCowan
Run-time records: SRFI 99
Sets and bags: SetsCowan
Shift and reset:
Simple Posix: SimplePosixCowan
TCP protocol: NetworkPortsCowan
Thread-local storage:
Threads: ThreadsCowan
UDP protocol: DatagramChannelsCowan
Unicode character database: UcdCowan
Unicode normalization: R6RS, string-ni=? and friends (from earlier R7RS-small drafts).
Weak dictionaries/hashtables:
Weak references (soft, phantom):