This is a list of work items that WG2 has voted to work on, and proposals for those work items. If no more than one proposal gets written for an item, the item may migrate to the ConsentDocket. See WG2Dockets for other dockets.
Applicable record instances: R6RS formal comment
Assertions: R6RS, R6RS with optional message and irritants.
Binary heap: BinaryHeapsCowan
Container conversion: See BytevectorsCowan, NumericVectorsCowan, and WG1 ballot options
Continuation API: Feeley's paper (PDF)
Date and time arithmetic: TimeAdvancedCowan plus TimePeriodsCowan, SRFI 19
Date-time parser: Hato date parser, SRFI 19
Evaluator arguments to procedures like load: see #277
Extended exact numbers: ExtendedRationalsCowan [Orange]
File system directories (reading): SCSH directory stream interface, DirectoryPortsCowan, directory-files to return a list of all files in the dir (in WG1 vote order) [Yellow]
File system directories (creation, removal): DirectoriesCowan
Flonum arithmetic: FlonumsCowan [Orange]
Futures: Racket API
hex-digit-value: same as digit value, but understands A-F and a-f too
Homogeneous numeric arrays: R6RS, SRFI 4, SRFI 63 (supersedes SRFI 25 and SRFI 47; lexical syntax in SRFI 58), SRFI 66, SRFI 74, NumericVectorsCowan [Orange]
if with arbitrarily many arguments: David Kendal's rationale
Library declarations: LibraryDeclarationsCowan
Mailboxes, channels, synchronized queues: Scheme48 from Concurrent ML
make-error-object: constructs error object without raising it
Memoization: Memoize (not a proposal yet), Racket, Haskell
Message digests (CRC, MD5, SHA1, SHA2):
Multiple values passed through => in cond: see #90
Mutable environments for eval: MutableEnvironmentsCurtisCowan
Mutexes, condition variables: SRFI 18
NaN dissector API (sign, quiet/signaling status, and integer tag): NanMedernach
Natural number predicates (from WG1): exact-positive-integer? and exact-non-negative-integer?.
number->string and string->number with non-ASCII decimal digits: NumberStringUnicode
Octet vectors, bytevectors, blobs: NumericVectorsCowan + StringBytevectorConversionCowan
Optional arguments (other than by case-lambda): OptionalsRiastradh
Procedure arity inspection: SRFI 102, Dybvig's proposal
Processes (system, popen, etc): SystemCommandCowan + ProcessPortsCowan
Raw strings: <<, """...""", SRFI 109
Record introspection: SRFI 99
Record-let: #45
REPL facilities: ReplCowan
Shift and reset: Scheme48, Racket
Symbol library: SymbolsCowan
syntax-case (voted down, but restored by popular demand): R6RS
TCP protocol: NetworkPortsCowan
Thread-local storage: Java
Threads: ThreadsCowan, SRFI 18
UDP protocol: DatagramChannelsCowan
Undefined value API: see #49
Unicode character database: UcdCowan
Unicode normalization: R6RS, string-ni=? and friends (from earlier R7RS-small drafts).