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Source for wiki TreesCowan version 2











Trees, like lists, are an application of Scheme pairs.  An ''atom'' is any Scheme object that is not a pair.  A ''tree'' is a non-empty list whose elements are either trees or atoms.  Trees cannot be circular.  The atoms and subtrees of a tree are called its ''nodes''. The words ''parent, child, ancestor, descendant, sibling'' are used with the usual meanings.

Although the empty list is an atom, it's a bad idea to make use of it in trees, as it may confuse list-oriented procedures that treat it as a list.

== Predicates ==

`(tree? `''obj''`)`

Returns `#t` if ''obj'' is a tree, and `#f` otherwise.

`(atom? `''obj''`)`

Returns `#t` if ''obj'' is an atom, and `#f` otherwise.

`(tree-contains? `''tree node''`)`

Returns `#t` if ''node'' is the same (in the sense of `eqv?`) as a node of ''tree'', and `#f` otherwise.  This can also be used to determine if ''tree'' is an ancestor of ''node''.

`(tree-c-commands? `''tree commanding commanded''`)`

If the subtree ''commanding'' c-commands the subtree ''commanded'' in ''tree'', returns `#t`; otherwise returns `#f`.  It is an error if either ''ancestor'' or ''descendant'' is not a subtree of ''tree''.

A node in a tree c-commands its sibling node(s) and all of its siblings' descendants; however, a node without siblings c-commands everything that its parent node c-commands.

`(tree=? `''same? tree1 tree2''`)`

Returns `#t` if ''tree1'' and ''tree2'' are isomorphic and their atoms are the same in the sense of ''same?'', and `#f` otherwise.

== Tree operations ==

`(tree-depth-of `''tree subtree''`)`

Returns the depth of ''subtree'' within ''tree'' as an exact integer. If ''tree'' and ''subtree'' are the same in the sense of `eqv?`, returns 0.

`(tree-depth `''tree''`)`

Returns the maximum depth of ''tree'' as an exact integer.

`(tree-parent `''tree node''`)`

Returns the parent node of ''node'' within ''tree''.  This involves a search from ''tree''.  Returns `#f` if ''node'' is not a descendant of ''tree''.

`(tree-path `''tree subtree''`)`

Returns a list of nodes containing ''subtree'' and all the ancestors of ''subtree'' ending with ''tree''.  Returns `#f` if ''subtree'' is not a descendant of ''tree''.

`(tree-copy `''tree''`)`

Return a copy of ''tree''.  Atoms are shared, but tree structure is not.

`(tree-map `''proc tree''`)`

Returns a copy of ''tree'', except that each descendant atom has been passed through ''proc''.  Tree structure is not shared.'

== Node examination

The following functions examine all nodes in the tree in an unspecified order.  ''Pred'' is a predicate which has no side effects and always returns the same result on the same argument.

`(tree-size `''tree''`)`

Returns the number of atoms in ''tree'' as an exact integer.

`(tree-count `''pred tree''`)`

Returns the number of nodes of ''tree'' that satisfy ''pred'' as an exact integer.

`(tree-any? `''pred tree''`)`

Examines the nodes of ''tree'' to determine if any of them satisfy ''pred''.

`(tree-every? `''pred tree''`)`

Returns the number of nodes of ''tree'' to determine if all of them satisfy ''pred''.

== Tree walkers ==

The following procedures return finite [ SRFI 121] generators that return some of the nodes of a tree in any of a variety of orders. When all the nodes have been returned, the generator returns an EOF object.

`(tree-make-preorder-generator [`''tree''`)`

Returns a generator that when invoked returns the nodes of ''tree'' in depth-first preorder: parents are generated before children, and children are generated in left-to-right order.

`(tree-make-postorder-generator `''tree''`)`

Returns a generator that when invoked returns the nodes of ''tree'' in depth-first postorder: children are generated in left-to-right order and then their parent is generated.

`(tree-make-breadthfirst-generator `''tree''`)`

Returns a generator that when invoked returns the nodes of ''tree'' in breadth-first order: ''tree'' is generated, then all children of ''tree'' in left-to-right order, then all grandchildren of ''tree'' in left-to-right order, and so on.

`(tree-make-atom-generator `''tree''`)`

Returns a generator that when invoked returns pairs, where the car of each pair is an atomic descendant of ''tree'', and the cdr of each pair is the depth of that atom.  The order of generation is depth-first postorder.

`(atom-generator->tree `''generator''`)`

Returns a reconstituted tree from the values of ''generator'', which generates pairs of the type created by a ''tree-make-atom-generator'' generator.  The result is `tree=?` to ''tree'' with an atomic comparison of `eqv?`.

== Tree rewriting ==

These procedures do not mutate the tree they work on, but return a new tree isomorphic to the old tree and with the same elements, except as specified below.  The new tree may share storage with the old.

`(tree-add `''tree subtree newnode''`)`

Returns a tree where ''node'' has an additional child, ''newnode'',  which is placed to the right of all existing children.  It is an error if ''subtree'' is not a descendant of ''tree'' or if ''newnode'' is a non-atomic descendant of ''tree''.

`(tree-insert `''tree subtree index newnode''`)`

Returns a tree where ''subtree'' has an additional child, ''newnode'',  which is placed immediately to the left of the child whose position in ''subtree'' is ''index'' (an exact integer).  It is an error if ''subtree'' is not a descendant of ''tree'', if ''newnode'' is a non-atomic descendant of ''tree'', or if ''index'' is greater than or equal to the number of child nodes of ''subtree''.

`(tree-prune `''tree subtree''`)`

Returns a tree where ''subtree'' and all its descendants are not part of the new tree.  It is an error if ''subtree'' is not a descendant of ''tree''.

`(tree-replace `''tree subtree newnode''`)`

Returns a tree where ''node'' has been replaced by ''newnode'' in the new tree.  It is an error if ''subtree'' is not a descendant of ''tree'' or if ''newnode'' is already a non-atomic descendant of ''tree''.

== Node numbering ==

`(tree-number-preorder `''tree''`)`

Return a tree that is isomorphic to ''tree'', except that every subtree has a new first child prepended to its existing children.  This child is an exact integer, starting at 0 for the root and <i>n</i> - 1 for the last child in depth-first preorder, where <i>n</i> is the number of subtrees of ''tree''.

`(tree-number-postorder `''tree''`)`

Return a tree that is isomorphic to ''tree'', except that every subtree has a new first child prepended to its existing children.  This child is an exact integer, starting at 0 for the root and <i>n</i> - 1 for the last child in postorder, where <i>n</i> is the number of subtrees of ''tree''.

`(tree-number-depth-firstr `''tree''`)`

Return a tree that is isomorphic to ''tree'', except that every subtree has a new first child prepended to its existing children.  This child is an exact integer, starting at 0 for the root and <i>n</i> - 1 for the last child in depth-first order, where <i>n</i> is the number of subtrees of ''tree''.

== Output ==

`(tree-display-atoms `''tree'' [ ''port'' ]`)`

Walks through the atoms of ''tree'' in breadth-first order and displays them (as if using `display`) on ''port'', which defaults to the value of `(current-output-port)`.


2017-07-02 03:13:28
