This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.

Source for wiki VectorsCowan version 7











This is a preliminary list of procedures for the R7RS vector library.  It is an upward compatible extension of the vector libraries of [ R5RS], [ R7RS-small], and [ SRFI 43], with additional procedures that are analogous to procedures in the [ SRFI 1] list library and the [ SRFI 13] string library.  As a single exception, the `vector-copy` procedure in R7RS-small does not provide the ''fill'' argument present in SRFI 43.

The procedures that are already in R7RS-small will not be overridden by this library, and are listed only for completeness.

Numeric vector analogues of these procedures, excluding the ones in NumericVectorsCowan, will be provided in a separate library.

== Notation ==

* R5RS means the procedure is available in R5RS and R7RS-small

* R5RS+ means the procedure is available in R5RS and with additional functionality in R7RS-small and SRFI 43.

* R7RS means the procedure is available in R7RS-small and SRFI 43.

* SRFI 43 means the procedure is available in SRFI 43.

* SRFI 43+ means the procedure is available in SRFI 43 but additional ''start'' and ''end'' arguments are proposed.

* SRFI 13 means an analogous procedure is available in SRFI 13.

* SRFI 1 means an analogous procedure is available in SRFI 1.

* SRFI 1/13 means an analogous procedure is available in both SRFI 1 and SRFI 13.

== Constructors ==

make-vector (R5RS), vector (R5RS), 
vector-unfold (SRFI 43), vector-unfold-right (SRFI 43),
vector-copy (R7RS), vector-copy! (R7RS), vector-reverse-copy (SRFI 43+),
vector-append (R7RS), vector-concatenate (SRFI 43), vector-append-concatenate (SRFI 13)
vector-tabulate (SRFI 1/13)

== Predicates ==

vector? (R5RS),
vector-empty? (SRFI 43),
vector= (SRFI 43+)

== Selectors ==

vector-ref (R5RS), vector-length (R5RS), 
vector-take (SRFI 1/13), vector-take-right (SRFI 1/13),
vector-drop (SRFI 1/13), vector-drop-right (SRFI 13),
vector-split-at (SRFI 1),

== Iteration ==

vector-fold (SRFI 43+), vector-fold-right (SRFI 43+),
vector-reduce (SRFI 43+), vector-reduce-right (SRFI 43+),
vector-map (SRFI 43+), vector-map! (SRFI 43+)
vector-for-each (R7RS), vector-for-each-index (SRFI 13), vector-count (SRFI 43+),
vector-append-map (SRFI 1), vector-filter-map (SRFI 1)

== Filtering and partitioning ==

vector-filter (SRFI 1/13), vector-remove (SRFI 1/13), vector-partition (SRFI 1)
vector-filter! (SRFI 1), vector-remove! (SRFI 1), vector-partition! (SRFI 1)

== Deleting ==

vector-delete (SRFI 1/13), vector-delete-duplicates (SRFI 1),
vector-delete! (SRFI 1/13), vector-delete-duplicates! (SRFI 1)

== Prefixes and suffixes ==

vector-prefix-length (SRFI 13), vector-suffix-length (SRFI 13), 
vector-prefix? (SRFI 13), vector-suffix? (SRFI 13)
== Searching ==

vector-find (SRFI 1), vector-contains (SRFI 13),
vector-index (SRFI 43+), vector-index-right (SRFI 43+), 
vector-skip (SRFI 43+), vector-skip-right (SRFI 43+), 
vector-any (SRFI 43+), vector-every (SRFI 43+)
vector-take-while (SRFI 1+), vector-drop-while (SRFI 1+),
vector-binary-search (SRFI 43+),
vector-span (SRFI 1), vector-span! (SRFI 1), vector-break (SRFI 1), vector-break! (SRFI 1)

== Zip and unzip ==

vector-zip (SRFI 1),
vector-unzip1 (SRFI 1), vector-unzip2 (SRFI 1),
vector-unzip3 (SRFI 1), vector-unzip4 (SRFI 1), vector-unzip5 (SRFI 1)

== Mutators ==

vector-set! (R5RS), vector-swap! (SRFI 43), 
vector-fill! (R5RS+),
vector-reverse! (SRFI 43+), 
vector-copy! (R7RS), vector-reverse-copy! (SRFI 43+)

== Conversion ==

vector->list (R5RS+), reverse-vector->list (SRFI 43+), 
list->vector (R5RS), reverse-list->vector (SRFI 43), 
vector->string (R7RS), string->vector (R7RS)


2014-08-03 09:20:12
