This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.

Source for wiki WorkingGroupOneProcess version 3











This is a rough outline of the process for
Working Group 1, leading up to the first
public draft milestone:

  * Introductions and initial position statements (1 month)
  * Fact-Finding and Issue Cataloging (1 month)
  * Make Proposals, independently or in groups
  * Debate Proposals via email and the wiki
  * Update Proposals based on feedback
  * Preferential Voting
  * Draft the winning proposals and submit for public review

For voting we will use a preferential voting mechanism,
so that any number of proposals can be made without detracting
from each other or forcing an all-or-nothing situation.
The exact method remains to be decided, but will likely be
either ranked pairs or Schultz.  In addition to winning the
vote, any deviation from R5RS must beat the R5RS option by
a minimum percentage, yet to be decided but likely in the
75-90% range.

A detailed example of the voting process can be found
in the [SampleVoteYakHandler Yak Handler] proposal.

The hope is that with this system and a more or less balanced
representation of Scheme implementations and ideals among the
members, we can ensure that while nothing crazy gets added,
any feature that is almost universally desired _will_ get
accepted, even if we can't agree on all the details.

Overall it's important that Working Group 1 err on the side
of conservatism, to ensure a wider acceptance among implementations
than R6RS received.  It's harder to remove features than to add them,
and we have Working Group 2 to add any extra features necessary.


2010-03-14 23:55:41
