This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.
Source for wiki Zero version 4
Updating for current suite
This page talks about how implementations handle various aspects of zero. Thanks to Alexey Radul for the ideas here; the research is mine.
=== Exact division by zero ===
Racket, MIT, Gambit, Chicken, Bigloo, Scheme48/scsh, Chibi, Guile, SISC, Chez, !Ikarus/Vicare, Larceny, Ypsilon, Mosh, !IronScheme, NexJ, STklos, Shoe, Scheme 7, BDC, XLisp, Rep, Schemik, Elk, UMB, !SigScheme, SXM, Sizzle, Spark, Dfsch, Inlab, VSCM report an error.
Gauche, SCM, KSi, VX return inexact infinity.
Kawa returns exact infinity.
Scheme 9, Femtolisp return an incorrect result.
=== Inexact division by exact zero ===
Racket, Gambit, Chicken, scsh, Chibi, Guile, Shoe, Scheme 7, BDC, XLisp, Rep, Schemik, Elk, SXM, Sizzle, Spark, Dfsch, Inlab, VSCM report an error.
Gauche, Bigloo, Scheme48, Kawa, SISC, SCM, Chez, !Ikarus/Vicare, Larceny, Ypsilon, Mosh, !IronScheme, NexJ, STklos, UMB, VX return inexact infinity.
MIT reports an error unless floating traps are ignored, in which case it returns inexact infinity.
!SigScheme, Dream, Oaklisp, Owl Lisp do not support inexact numbers.
KSi, Scheme 9, Femtolisp return an incorrect result.
=== Division by inexact zero ===
Plain Chicken, scsh, Shoe, TinyScheme, XLisp, Rep, Schemik, Scheme 7, SXM, Sizzle, Dfsch, Inlab, VSCM report an error.
Racket, Gauche, MIT, Gambit, Chicken with the numbers egg, Bigloo, Scheme48, Guile, Kawa, SISC, Chibi, SCM, Chez, SCM, !Ikarus/Vicare, Larceny, Ypsilon, Mosh, !IronScheme, NexJ, STklos, BDC, Elk, UMB, VX, Spark, Femtolisp return inexact infinity.
!SigScheme, Dream, Oaklisp, Owl Lisp do not support inexact numbers.
KSi, Scheme 9 return an incorrect result.
=== Inexact multiplication by exact zero ===
Racket, MIT, Gambit, Chez, Ypsilon, TinyScheme, XLisp, Elk, SXM, Sizzle, Spark, Inlab return exact 0.
Gauche, Chicken, Bigloo, Scheme48/scsh, Guile, Kawa, SISC, Chibi, SCM, !Ikarus/Vicare, Larceny, Mosh, !IronScheme, NexJ, STklos, KSi, Shoe, Scheme 9, Scheme 7, BDC, Rep, Schemik, UMB, VX, Femtolisp, Dfsch, VSCM return inexact 0.0.
!SigScheme, Dream, Oaklisp, Owl Lisp do not support inexact numbers.
=== Complex numbers with 0.0 imaginary part. ===
Gauche, MIT, Chicken with the numbers egg, Scheme48/scsh, Kawa, SISC, SCM, STklos, KSi, Scheme 7, UMB, Spark, Dfsch, VSCM consider 3.0+0.0i to be a real number.
Racket, Gambit, Guile, Chibi, Chez, Vicare, Larceny, Ypsilon, Mosh, IronScheme do not.
Bigloo, Ikarus, NexJ, !SigScheme, Shoe, !TinyScheme, Dream, Scheme 9, BDC, XLisp, Rep, Schemik, Elk, VX, Oaklisp, SXM, Sizzle, Femtolisp, Inlab, Owl Lisp do not implement non-real numbers.
== Negative zero ===
Racket, Gambit, Guile, Chez, Vicare, Spark, Femtolisp distinguish between 0.0 and -0.0.
2012-05-08 13:32:23