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Ticket 286: Numeric *-valued procedures for R5RS and R6RS-base compatibility

2012-10-05 12:23:41
WG1 - Core
2011-09-23 00:12:33

Real-valued?, rational-valued?, and integer-valued? test whether a given number object can be coerced to the specified type without loss of numerical accuracy. They are equivalent to the versions of real?, rational?, and integer? that existed in R5RS.

Specifically, the behavior of these predicates differs from the behavior of real?, rational?, and integer? on complex number objects whose imaginary part is inexact zero.

These procedures provide R6RS base compatibility as well.

summaryR6RS base compatibility: *-valued proceduresNumeric *-valued procedures for R5RS and R6RS-base compatibility
description`Real-valued?`, `rational-valued?`, and `integer-valued?` test whether a given number object can be coerced to the specified type without loss of numerical accuracy. Specifically, the behavior of these predicates differs from the behavior of `real?`, `rational?`, and `integer?` on complex number objects whose imaginary part is inexact zero. These procedures provide R6RS base compatibility, as well as being the versions of `real?`, `rational?`, and `integer?` that existed in R5RS. `Real-valued?`, `rational-valued?`, and `integer-valued?` test whether a given number object can be coerced to the specified type without loss of numerical accuracy. They are equivalent to the versions of `real?`, `rational?`, and `integer?` that existed in R5RS. Specifically, the behavior of these predicates differs from the behavior of `real?`, `rational?`, and `integer?` on complex number objects whose imaginary part is inexact zero. These procedures provide R6RS base compatibility as well.

The WG voted to reject the additional procedures and to roll back the regular procedures to the R5RS definitions.
