Green docket for non-portable things. For other dockets, see WG2Dockets.
File I/O: FilesAdvancedCowan plus SettingsListsCowan and maybe LetSettingsKendal
Threads: SRFI 18 or ThreadsCowan (simplified)
Real-time threads: SRFI 21
Sockets: SRFI 106 or NetworkPortsCowan with NetworkEndpointsCowan
Datagram channels (UDP sockets): DatagramChannelsCowan
Timers: SRFI 120
Mutable environments: MutableEnvironmentsCurtisCowan
Simple POSIX: SimplePosixCowan
Access to the REPL: ReplCowan
Library declarations: LibraryDeclarationsCowan
Symbols: SymbolsCowan
Interfaces: InterfacesCowan
Process ports: ProcessPortsCowan
Directory ports: DirectoryPortsCowan
Directory creation/deletion: DirectoriesCowan
Port operations: PortOperationsCowan
System commands: SystemCommandCowan
Pure delay/force: PureDelayedGloria