This is a list of work items that WG2 has voted to work on, and proposals for those work items. See WG2Dockets for other dockets.
Applicable record instances: R6RS formal comment
Assertions: R6RS, R6RS with optional message and irritants.
Binary heap: BinaryHeapsCowan
Container conversion: See BytevectorsCowan, NumericVectorsCowan, and WG1 ballot options
Continuation API: Feeley's paper (PDF)
Date and time arithmetic: TimeAdvancedCowan plus TimePeriodsCowan, SRFI 19
Date-time parser: Hato date parser, SRFI 19
Evaluator arguments to procedures like load: see #277
File system directories (reading): SCSH directory stream interface, DirectoryPortsCowan, directory-files to return a list of all files in the dir (in WG1 vote order) [Yellow]
File system directories (creation, removal): DirectoriesCowan
Futures: Racket API
if with arbitrarily many arguments: David Kendal's rationale
Library declarations: LibraryDeclarationsCowan
Mailboxes, channels, synchronized queues: Scheme48 from Concurrent ML
make-error-object: constructs error object without raising it
Memoization: Memoize (not a proposal yet), Racket, Haskell
Message digests (CRC, MD5, SHA1, SHA2):
Multiple values passed through => in cond: see #90
Mutable environments for eval: MutableEnvironmentsCurtisCowan
Mutexes, condition variables: SRFI 18
Optional arguments (other than by case-lambda): OptionalsRiastradh
Procedure arity inspection: SRFI 102, Dybvig's proposal
Processes (system, popen, etc): SystemCommandCowan + ProcessPortsCowan
Raw strings: <<, """...""", SRFI 109
Record introspection: SRFI 99
Record-let: #45
REPL facilities: ReplCowan
Shift and reset: Scheme48, Racket
Symbol library: SymbolsCowan
syntax-case (voted down, but restored by popular demand): R6RS
TCP protocol: NetworkPortsCowan
Thread-local storage: Java
Threads: ThreadsCowan, SRFI 18
UDP protocol: DatagramChannelsCowan
Undefined value API: see #49
Unicode character database: UcdCowan
Unicode normalization: R6RS, string-ni=? and friends (from earlier R7RS-small drafts).