This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.


2010-08-07 18:26:33
31Undid my last change to this page. It turns out that ErrorsSnellPym was removed deliberately. I don't understand why it was the only proposal that appeared on ExceptionsErrorsAndConditions, though.history

Welcome to the Scheme Working Groups

This is the initial starting page for the SWGs. There is little information here. Please populate.

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.

Working Group 1 (Charter)

Member Page


Issue Summaries and Proposals

Working Group 2

Member Page

Issue Summaries and Proposals


overview.pdf2013-04-16 02:42:38Overview of R7RS-small Scheme
r7rs-draft-1.pdf2011-04-16 08:44:42R7RS small language first draft
r7rs-draft-2.pdf2011-05-08 04:48:23R7RS small language draft as of Sat 7 May 2011
r7rs-draft-3.pdf2011-07-25 22:29:01R7RS small language draft as of Mon 25 Jul 2011
r7rs-draft-4.pdf2011-10-23 19:49:12
r7rs-draft-5-diff.pdf2011-12-18 21:33:39
r7rs-draft-5-ebook.pdf2011-12-18 21:33:15
r7rs-draft-5.pdf2011-12-18 21:32:48
r7rs-draft-6.pdf2012-02-14 21:15:41
r7rs-draft-7.pdf2012-11-10 14:10:00R7RS Small Language 7th Draft
r7rs-draft-8.pdf2012-12-09 13:21:04R7RS Small Language 8th Draft
r7rs-draft-9.pdf2013-04-16 02:28:05R7RS Small Language 9th Draft
r7rs-small-spec.zip2013-11-09 01:22:25TeX source for final draft
r7rs.pdf2013-07-07 02:42:15R7RS-small language, final draft
scheme-wg1-progress1.pdf2010-09-06 16:06:50WG1 progress report